Greetings Dominic,
Really enjoyed your company on Friday and it was insightful chatting to the girls and hearing their views on their life’s experiences to date.
Joining your class was merely a fluke! (A great one at that!)
It all started when I had treatment on my shoulder and thighs to make them more flexible following the Yoga classes I started with Aimi Dunstan.
I read with interest the Qigong sessions on Friday’s from the Therapy centre’s menu card in reception.  And the rest shall we say is history…
What has the Qigong journey meant for me?
Well… one of my old bosses a very successful entrepreneur used to say and I quote: “IF YOU GET UP EARLY ENOUGH YOU CAN STAY IN BED ALL DAY!”
That is the relaxing effect Qigong has on me and helps me to live by that adage.  I translate the Qigong Chinese medicine name as “Energy Life moving”
Simple things like:-
* Learning how to breathe properly.  ( I turn 57 years of age on Tuesday and no one has ever told me the correct way to breath using my abdomen as a massage tool to the inner organs. I like allot of people when stressed revert to opposite breathing i.e. breathing the chest out on the in breadth like glorified sighing).
Exercising at only 70% of the bodies stretch potential ( Not locking-out the joints, thereby allowing the free flow of Qi (Chee).
Visualisation of colour energising the body.
Feeling totally calm and relaxed.
Making the 10 minute standing exercise a daily discipline, which in turn has helped my vitality, stamina and overall energy.  AWESOME!
The feeling of being in a good grounded environment permanently.
The feeling of being in control of my thoughts.
The list goes on and on……
I believe through the regular use of Qigong I have accomplished the feeling of being “in bed all day”.
If I had to give up any part of my exercise regime which is Jogging, swimming, badminton, yoga and Qigong.
Everything else would go first. The Qigong would be the last thing standing! (For 10 minutes that is! resting on the space hopper. Ha! Ha!)
Hope these few words help fellow newbies?
“Wising you and your family a great Christmas and will see you on the 10th Jan. God willing”.
Best wishes,
John G Garrett